Hi everyone, I realize times are tough, and we are all feeling the pinch of inflation. That's the primary reason why this is a no pay site. However, I really could use your help to raise funds for the operational costs and time I invest in this site. Donations have been significantly down this year and to reach my goal of breaking even, I have a long way to go. Many of you are daily visitors and make financial or personal decisions based on the information presented. The majority of you appreciate the honesty, accuracy, and knowledge that you gain. If you fall into any of those categories, I ask that you make a $20 dollar investment in what I feel is a unique and reliable product. That way, we can keep things rolling as they have for more than 12 years. The future is in your hands, and I hugely appreciate the generosity of those who have contributed. So again, if you find value in the site and see the effort that's put into it, please consider a minimal donation to support TSwails today. Thanks for your time and loyalty, TS
I'm on the outskirts of Des Moines on my way to a presentation at a conference. I'm trying to get a post out with some updated snow forecasts. My keyboard does not light up on my laptop, so I'm using my I-phone to see the keys. How much fun is that. Anyway, I have some fresh data to throw your way with Winter Storm Watches in effect Wednesday and Wednesday night.
My initial take-away is that the EURO remains pretty consistent, down an inch of snow on totals with slightly less QPF in the last run. The GFS is up about an inch and further NW so we are converging on a solution, but the GFS remains further south despite is northward progression. By tomorrow we should see even better consistency as we get within a day of the event. Here's the latest numbers. Not official forecasts, just model output that all told will lead to the final forecast Tuesday. Of the bunch, I still like the EURO best. There's a strong chance the watches will be upgraded to warnings at some point tomorrow, with many spots seeing 5-6 inches or more. Here you go.
The Canadian GEM
The NBM (National Blend of Models) Probably a bit too high.
Snow should begin in the morning and be at its peak later in the afternoon and evening. My phone is rapidly running out of power, so that's a wrap for now. I'll be teaching at times tomorrow at a conference in Des Moines, but my 2nd in line Rebecca will be helping, and I will chime in when possible. Think snow, roll weather, and if you can spare a donation, I will see to it that it's money well spent....TS