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November is starting off with a real fall chill. Temperatures will be below normal for the first week or two and that will include many nights with below freezing temperatures. This is because of troughiness in the upper levels of the atmosphere that is leading to northwest flow:

This will lead to a dry and cool pattern through the week.
Monday we'll have plenty of sunshine with temperatures hanging out below 50 degrees across most of the Upper Midwest:

Temperatures will then dip below freezing Monday night:

And we basically copy and paste that forecast through the week with some minor variations in the temperatures. Tuesday will be a little cooler:

And Tuesday night will be a hard freeze in many spots with light winds and clear skies:

Temperatures will increase slightly by the weekend as a ridge builds in the upper levels of the atmosphere:

That will point to temperatures running above normal for the second week of November:

It'll still be cool, but we'll see some improvement in about a week!