Greetings everybody! I have been traveling and working the past 24 hours on a special series I am doing regarding the upcoming spring flood potential. I traveled up the Cedar River basin Monday on my way to the North Central River Forecast Center in Minneapolis...(actually located in the city of Chanhassen). Tuesday I will speak with the director of the center and get an experts opinion on the potential.
On the way I stopped at the headwaters of the Cedar River in Austin, Minnesota. I was stunned...seriously blown away by the amount of snow that's on the ground in that part of the Midwest. I would guess a minimum of 3 feet with drifts in some places reaching the roof tops. We took lots of video but I was so amazed and by what I saw I forgot to take pictures until the sun was setting. However, I did get in a few shots and hopefully you can see why this year could be a very big problem for snow melt flooding on every major river in Iowa, including the Mississippi. Here's a few shots to show you. Moisture content in the snow is probably close to 6 inches.
Along with my conversation with the the director of the flood center, I will be speaking with 2 NOAA pilots who are doing snow surveys to determine the moisture content of the snow cover that exists across the Midwest. It's a very important role that determines the overall flood risk ahead of us. We'll get to go into the plane and see the sophisticated technology used to get accurate moisture estimates. I'm really looking forward to both interviews. When we are done, I will bring you a half our video on what we discover about this years flood risk. It will take a few days to put the package together but when it's finished, you will get a special invitation to be the first to see the results of my investigation. Until nest time, roll weather from the land of 10,000 lakes.